CCV Helpdesk
Open a ticket with our user services team. We will respond as soon as possible.
A shared community resource, providing a discussion forum to share skills, knowledge and interests through ongoing conversation. Brown has its own category for Brown specific questions, to be answered by participants. For more general questions or discussion topics about research computing, there are other categories that are not institution specific, where feedback may be provided by users from any of the participating institutions.
CCV's Services Documentation
Office Hours
CCV holds office hours on Fridays 10am-12pm. The Computational Biology Core holds office hours on Wednesdays 3-4pm and Tuesdays 11am-12pm. During this time, both groups are holding office hours via Zoom. Click below to check CCV's Calendar for the Zoom link.
CCV Share is a collection of Slack channels where CCV staff and the community will be available to discuss your questions.