
Oscar offers a modern and robust alternative for displaying datasets that are too computationally expensive for laptops and desktops. For instance, our team supports using the open source software Paraview, to render datasets in a distributed way using Oscar. You can learn learn more about this service in our documentation.

Studio 4

Studio 4 in Brown's Granoff Center is a flexible production space used for teaching and research. It is a fairly basic, workshop-like space that we share with Brown's MultiMedia Labs. The MML are inclusive, adaptive, and experimental spaces equipped with emerging technology to support creative digital work and inspire a community of makers. It has spaces for video production, podcasting, large format 2D printing, 3D printing, and VR. CCV and MML continue to collaborate on a variety of VR projects for the Brown community, with Studio 4 serving as the home base for visualization research and exploration.

Studio 4

CAVE Automatic Virtual Environment (upcoming)

Our Cave is a TAN VR-Cube, an 8' cubic room in which 3-D images are projected on 3 walls and the floor. It uses stereo depth-perception glasses by Volfoni, an OptiTrack motion capture system, and the Unity game engine with a plugin from MiddleVR. Positional audio is provided by a 5.1 surround sound system. Each system works in parallel, creating the illusion of virtual reality in an open space without head-mounted devices. Software packages available through the CCV include volume visualization, molecular visualization, and simple 3-D model manipulation.

The Cave is currently in a rebuilding phase as we fully integrate the system with Unity. It is available to all researchers and educators at Brown. New projects can be initiated through consultation with CCV visualization staff.

Learn More about CAVE Systems:

Head Mounted Displays

Offerings from Oculus, Meta, HTC, and others have brought head mounted VR displays into the mainstream. HMDs are the easiest way for an individual to experience virtual reality, our aim is to support students and professors as much as possible in their pursuit of the technology. The MML owns over a dozen Oculus Quest 2 headsets, often lent to professors to teach with, and we host ongoing events exploring virtual reality. Here attendees can explore VR games, art, and other media with our direct support. The CCV hopes to provide more information, support, and opportunities for Unity specific development with head mounted displays to the Brown community in the near future.

Holographic Displays (upcoming)

Holographic displays are a new medium for visualization that is waiting to be explored. These displays are especially distinguished because they do not need any external glasses, screens, or other equipment to create a three dimensional image. Light diffraction, often created by lasers, builds virtual objects above/around the device and human interaction with the devices is a widening area of research today. The CCV hopes to soon explore such research and it's interdisciplinary application to all areas of the University.